Saturday, June 2, 2012

Top 5 - Best Cell Phone fellowships divulge

Atlanta Eye - Top 5 - Best Cell Phone fellowships divulge
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Our Top 5 list of Best Cell Phone assistance Providers come from user feedback spreading multiple forums and websites and from personal experience. Nick has been a customer of 4 of the 5 major cell phone assistance providers (exception being Us Cellular) pre- and post-merger of these associates (exception being the Verizon/Alltel merger). Nick is currently a satisfied customer with At&T Wireless. Why so many? No, it wasn't to ultimately originate a review, but discrete reasons came into play - engaging to college and assistance had no reception in that area, assistance reception just sucked, bad customer service, among many other reasons. Nick has used all 4 of the associates as both his cell and home phone. The areas that Nick has tried these cell phone associates are: California (mainly colse to San Diego, Los Angeles and Orange counties), Oregon, Illinois (including Chicago and suburbs), Indiana (in and colse to Indianapolis, West Lafayette, Bloomington, and South Bend), Minnesota, Georgia (only colse to Atlanta), and Rhode Island. Nick unquestionably understands the coarse complaints and praises. These are our Top 5 - Best Cell Phone assistance Companies. Ridicule us, praise us, hate us, love us for our list.

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How is Top 5 - Best Cell Phone fellowships divulge

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Please note that there will all the time be exceptions to personel experiences.

We understand the needs of any one personel or family will differ. This is a quick overview of the costs of the 5 cell phone providers. In terms of the price of personel plans, the personel plan prices at all levels are exactly the same in the middle of Verizon Wireless, At&T, and Us Cellular (nationwide plan) with the irregularity being T-Mobile. Us Cellular is by far the cheapest if choosing their "widearea" plan, which only caters to the 25-26 states that they cover. In terms of the price of basic family plans, the basic family plan prices at all levels are exactly the same in the middle of Verizon Wireless, At&T, and Us Cellular (again nationwide plan only) with the irregularity being T-Mobile. T-Mobile sells their family minute plans on distinct "minute" levels than the other 4, but on a per-minute cost, T-Mobile is the cheapest of all nationwide personel and family plans. All other associates are exactly the same in regards to the basic plan, not the plans with added features. The think why some cell phone assistance providers are more "expensive" is because of the cost of adding these supplementary options/features.

5 (4b). Sprint Nextel


* Night and weekends start at 7:00 Pm, which is 2 hours earlier than the other cell phone assistance companies

* Free minutes on incoming calls

* 1-year contract as opposed to the standard 2-year contract (you conclude if requiring any contract is a pro)

* Strong business-friendly features - 1st mover in walkie-talkie technology - a surprisingly useful function

* Fast internet


* No international plans

* Coverage is not as grand as Verizon Wireless or At&T, which inevitably means weaker signals, more dropped calls, echoing, etc.

* Limited/outdated phone selection

* Since merger in 2005, plans are not as good a deal as pre-merger

* Post merger, customer assistance has dropped off as they try to be helpful - the end supervene should be good news for the customer, not a moot point for customer service

Personal experience: Sprint has all the time had a minute selection of phones, which to me, unquestionably didn't matter. However, as I started relying on my cell phone more and more, I started to care about the looks of my phone (the needs for safe bet functions remained the same). The phone selection is minute and in many cases seem outdated. From my experience with customer service, Sprint (Nextel) was unquestionably #1 on my list pre-merger in 2005, but it has dropped since then. The customer assistance pre-merger was exquisite - consistent bills from month to month, due on bogus charges I disputed, and free "loyalty program offers" such as free internet for 6 months. Since the merger in 2005, the customer assistance still tries to be very helpful, but it gets to the point where you want to start yelling straight through your phone because of the frustration. Sprint's coverage will be hit or miss if you travel, however, if you're just going to the city for work and going back home to the suburbs, the assistance will stay consistent for the most part. There is nothing about the cost or the types of plans of Sprint Nextel that unquestionably stands out with the irregularity being international plans. Besides that, the plans offer the usual range and benefits to meet your need.

4 (4a). Us Cellular


* Good customer service

* exquisite coverage in the midwest as they should since they are a regional carrier

* Free incoming calls/text messages

* No activation fees on many plans


* Poor coverage exterior of the 25-26 states that Us Cellular covers

* Very minute phone selection; stamina of phones offered a concern

* Beware of secret costs

* Add-ons such as unlimited texting, downloading, etc can add up quickly

* Limited/outdated phone selection

* If downgrading plan, be unquestionably sure of your minute usage; they are not helpful in providing advice, but quick to contribute recommendations

* If you go over your minutes, get ready to pay big time

The majority of Us Cellular's customer base is satisfied by its customer service. The biggest complaint is in the minute selection and stamina of the phones. The personel and family nationwide assistance plans are exactly the same as the others with the irregularity being T-Mobile. If you live exterior of the 25-26 states that Us Cellular covers or tour frequently, then choose other cell phone assistance provider. However, if you live within those states that are covered, Us Cellular should be considered as long as you don't mind the phones and/or seemingly unknown brand (outside of the midwest and sports world - White Sox).

3. T-Mobile


* Cheapest basic personel and basic family plans out of the 5 cell phone assistance providers

* myFaves add-on is popular and useful

* 1-year contract as opposed to the standard 2-year contract (you conclude if requiring any contract is a pro)

* Lots of distinct plans and options - most flexible of the 5 cell phone providers and 2nd best offering of plans and options (Verizon is #1 in our opinion)

* exquisite reception in safe bet populated cities

* Ease of upgrading/downgrading plans - a zephyr with great advice and recommendations from customer service, but...


* Poor customer assistance (especially disputes) - worst of the 5 cell phone assistance providers

* minute phone selection, tends to sell outdated and even worse, phones that are no longer in production/discontinued

* Inconsistent signal reception/spotty coverage

* Poor assurance policy

* Slow internet

* Pesky about "too much roaming"

Personal experience: I've had a unique love-hate relationship with T-Mobile. The love comes in with the "contract" and the hate comes in with the customer service. I have to start with the "hate" before I go into the "love". After a year and a few months into the assistance with T-Mobile, like all cell phone providers, I ultimately had to call customer assistance to dispute charges. To put it simply, a faultless nightmare. I won't go into the specifics of the dispute, but the way T-Mobile handled the situation from some customer assistance reps to a merge supervisors was the worst 5-hour nightmare. Yes, I was on the phone for 5 hours getting bounced from division to department, having to construe the dispute over and over again, and had to to take a 1/2 day from work. I started the call at 7:30Am, you do the math. Conclusion of the 5 hour nightmare? I ended up paying the full whole with no leeway given. Even with the energy drinks, steroid shots, power bars, and the like, I couldn't hold up any longer and they would not budge or give whatever back that was rightfully owed to me. T-Mobile is great at handling simple customer assistance requests like upgrading/downgrading a plan or asking simple questions like, do you think I should add the fave-5 plan? They'll unquestionably go straight through your bills and quote your usage and give you great advice and recommendations, but other than that, they have the worst widespread customer assistance of the 5 cell phone assistance associates when it comes to disputes or whatever to do with questioning T-Mobile and their bills. In other instance of "hate", I was experiencing some dropped calls per day and spotty coverage throughout Illinois (specifically Northern suburbs and Chicago). It was highly frustrating and it got to the point where I called customer assistance and canceled without hesitation. But Nick, you say, what about the cancellation fee? That's where the "love" comes in, apparently when I signed up for the family plan, we were never obligated to a contract. So all this time, I plan I was under contract and I could've switched at anytime. The think why T-Mobile barely outranks Sprint Nextel and Us Cellular is because of their flexibility and options in their plans, cheapest plan options, best phone selection, although still limited, and more consistent coverage than the last two associates with very good signals in populated areas compared to the two.

2. At&T


* Consistent coverage and reception - Conclusion the gap with Verizon Wireless

* Wide selection of phones - arguably the best selection thanks to the Apple iPhone

* widespread good customer assistance that helps you and/or resolves issues

* Internet is fast and reliable

* Out of all the phone business mergers, At&T/Cingular was the biggest improvement

* Rollover minutes is an highly useful feature/benefit that no other business offers - this is standard on all plans


* Dropped calls is hit or miss

* customer assistance is unquestionably a joy when you are a customer or activating lines/transferring numbers, etc, etc, however, once you come to be a customer, they are helpful, but they get impatient

* Ever since the merger, extra services/add-ons have increased (compared to just Cingular), which leads to costs piling up quickly

Personal experience: As a current customer of At&T Wireless, I am satisfied. At&T Wireless has had the biggest improvements of all the mergers. Their customer assistance is still lacking compared to Verizon especially once you come to be a customer, but I have noticed improvements since the merger. Their phone selection is arguably the best. The coverage and reception has been consistent in all the areas I've been to. Although I rarely experience dropped calls, this seems to be a hit or miss issue with others. The one thing that unquestionably stands out from the rest of the associates is the rollover minutes. This has saved me lots of money in the long run because a plan I used to have with the other carriers allows me to downgrade due to the extra minutes thus recovery me money.

1. Verizon Wireless


* Widest range of plans and options ready than any other cell phone company

* Consistent coverage and reception - considered the best, but At&T is Conclusion the gap

* Wide selection of phones

* customer assistance is the most consistent of all the cell phone associates although there are safe bet hit or miss days


* Need to keep an eye on your monthly bills - mysterious charges showing up on bills

* customer assistance is hit or miss, some days you get great, no, highly great service, other days you want to reach into your phone and do bad things

* Add-ons can pile up swiftly especially the data plans for smartphones

* Most high-priced of the 5 cell phone associates (factoring in phones, plans, add-ons, deposit, etc)

* Blocks safe bet features on your phone, ex: transferring photos to/from your phone requires buy of software and safe bet bluetooth features

* If upgrading/downgrading plan, they will expand contract for other 2 years

Personal experience: I have not experienced the "new Verzion" with Alltel, but as much as I hate to admit (being a current and satisfied At&T customer), Verizon Wireless is the most consistent from customer assistance to coverage and reception and down to phone selection. One shining customer assistance occasion was when I accidentally dropped my phone in a puddle of water wholly ruining my phone. I did not have insurance, as a matter of fact, I never buy assurance on phones, but after an hour or two of sweet talking, they not only substituted the phone, but rushed the order to me free of charge with next day delivery. An example of a bad customer assistance is refusing to budge on mysterious charges (over .00) worth that they said would be removed, but never did. I ended up changing services because of this dispute. It took over one year until a range division contacted me out-of-the-blue saying I still owed .00 and as one can imagine, my credit score dropped like a ton of bricks.

There you have it, our list of the Top 5 Best Cell Phone assistance Companies. We would love to hear your thoughts so feel free to annotation on this list. Ridicule us, praise us, hate us, love us for our list. Got topics/categories you'd like topped? Give us a shout straight through the comments or experience us.

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